Minnie has struck again.
She stole one of my slipper socks. Now, I only have one green fuzzy sock. It was dark when Mark got home, but he searched both dog crates and the outdoors and we've yet to find it.
What he did find, however, when he shined the flashlight in a corner on the side of the house, was a pair of glowing eyes. He said that the fattest Siamese cat was just sitting contentedly in a hidden corner of our yard and wasn't disturbed by Mark coming up on him. This supports my hypothesis that cats aren't very smart. Why would you come into a yard where there are dogs? Luckily, the dogs haven't found her yet, but if they do, we'll hear a loud ruckus emanating from the yard.
I guess I can rule out the cat roost as a possible spot for Minnie to hide her stolen booty. Before I was confined to bedrest, I'd started a perimeter patrol to look out for stolen socks etc, but now that I'm laid up, I've got to just keep stuff out of her reach. Today, Max didn't like being separated from me in the bedroom, so I let him come and in and didn't ban her from the room as I usually do with the baby gate when I'm not home. I figured she wouldn't steal anything right from under my nose or that I'd see it, but I was wrong and now my little sock is gone.
I hope it smells okay enough that a wash will salvage it. The last 2 things she took away came back so rank, they had to be tossed. She's like Tiger from the Brady Bunch. Imagine what's going to happen once there are little baby socks and clothes lying around.
My first day of bedrest without Mark here was okay. I didn't starve to death, although I got up more than I should to get my food since we didn't get my cooler set up last night. Ideally, I need a little cooler next to the sofa with snacks and goodies to eat so that I don't have to get up and stand and stare into the fridge like it's a television. Bedrest can go one of two ways - gaining a lot of weight from sitting around eating crap or eating really well because most crap needs microwaving or cooking, whereas whole, raw foods are more portable. I'm trying to pick choice #2. More fruit and vegetable party platters and less Doritos and Sprite. Luckily, I hate Doritos and 90% of all chip like snacks. I can't stand powdered cheese and they just seem so unnatural. I like Sun Chips well enough though.
When I returned home from the hospital on Saturday, I started some emergency baby shopping, during which time I procured a car seat, a breast pump, a crib, some onesies and two baby gowns. I feel a lot better now because we were caught so unprepared with all of this - the fact that the baby could come at any time between now and March.
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