How bored am I? This is turning me into a middle American. I'm starting to watch a lot of tv - which I didn't really do before. Now it's the Food Network, HGTV, DIY, Style, Discovery,TLC and Fine Living Network. By the end of bedrest, I'll know how to build a house, decorate it and throw a housewarming dinner party, all by myself.
First week of bedrest wasn't that bad at all, but now we're entering week two and it's getting a little monotonous. Mark's doing a great job though. He's been feeding me like a champ. I might even trust him to watch the kid all by himself sometime! LOL. Just kidding. He's good wth the dogs, so I already trust him, just not for time periods longer than a week, or two.
I finished two books yesterday. Mark called me a freak. He'd just come back from the library with a book they had on hold for me and brought back 2 extras. By the end of the night, 1 of those 3 was done. Luckily, friends and family have been sending me tons of books. Mark's parents and sister gave me a load for Xmas, Charis sent me a couple for no reason at all recently, and Shauna brought over 3 when she came over as my first official bedrest visitor. So I have a stash for when Mark can't make it to the library or won't. I'm saving most of those for emergency books or later on. Most of the library ones I have now are ones I actually physically picked before I got put in home detention and after I finish those, I'm not sure how keen Mark's going to be on driving back to the library, so that's when I'll break the new ones in.
I'd accused Minnie of stealing my green sock, but it turns out it was in the sheets at the bottom of my bed. As soon as I'd absolved her, I caught her walking out of my room, red-snouted with a black sock in her mouth. She immediately dropped it as soon as she saw me and exiled herself off the her crate. Too funny.
Found out that I have a few stretch marks on my underbelly today and literally almost cried. It was the surprise factor. Imagine finding out that a family of boars secretly lived in your backyard, even though you've walked the perimeter diligently every night. I've been checking my belly for stretch marks since day one but apparently there's a whole shelf underneath with lichen and moss and whatever else that I didn't know existed. I whimpered/fake cried on the phone with a friend when I found it until I found the cocoa butter stuff my mother-in-law sent me for Xmas, and started to vigorously rub it in, distracting me from my whimpering.
Ironically enough, I was just thinking last night about how unscathed I've come through this pregnancy. No swollen ankles or face or too much weight gain. Just acne scars, and now a couple of stretch marks. Could be much worse. But thanks universe for punishing my gratitude. LOL.
I keep thinking it's a great time to learn a foreign language or write a novel, but it's funny how sluggish behavior with little stimulation leads to a very dull brain. If I didn't write this blog, I think my language skills would deteriorate. I'd start confusing their and there and start making up words like relator instead of realtor. Okay, maybe not. But did I ever tell you about the time I temped for a commercial construction company? I worked there for like 3 weeks straight on an assignment that was supposed to just be a few days and when I started to see SO many misspellings that they started to look right I knew it was time to request another assignment. I mean, the main reason I can spell pretty darn well is that I read a lot and usually anything you see in type is correct - unless it's email. But these guys were all construction guys retired to a desk and they couldn't spell for anything. It was amazing!
I'm sort of a stickler for language skills. You could be Albert Einstein, but if you can't spell, I wouldn't date you. That's sort of how Mark wooed me. WARNING: geek alert. Mark and I met on the internet, as you may know, but it was his wit and great writing skills that won me over. His emails were so funny and well written that I somehow didn't notice that he lived in Virginia and was 2 years younger than me, infractions that had won lesser men the DELETE button. By the time I got my head on straight, it was too late, I had to meet him.
Okay, I'm boring myself talking about being bored. On to the happier...
I'm 30 weeks pregnant on Tuesday! Wooohoo! Another landmark week. Now we're going to aim for 32, which has been my doctor's goal all along. I thought she was being pessimistic, so I was aiming for 34 to 36, but now that I've got 1.5cm of cervix left, 32 weeks doesn't sound so horrid after all. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and keep on counting the days away. A baby is technically viable and done enough at 34 weeks. 40 is full term, but if you go into labor any time after week 34, they won't even stop you if you go into labor. So glory be. I'm in the 30's now, it's the home stretch, baby.
More baby stuff arrived today from my previous order. A hamper and my dual breast pump came today. Oh goody! I get to be a cow soon. Just joking. Breastfeeding is very good for the kid, so I'm quite willing to do it - no hesitation. Also, my friend Darcy stopped by over the weekend with some newborn clothes. She heard me freaking out last week about how my baby was going to come into the world butt naked and stay that way since I didn't have any clothes for him yet - not newborn clothes. And with the scare of him coming early, I'd flipped for a day or two, feeling unprepared. So she brought me a bunch of really cute outfit and newborn socks, which I'd been totally unable to find on the internet. Everything was for 6 months and older and I was getting vexed, although I don't know if he'll need socks much or not. Our LA weather is so unpredictable this year. Yesterday as 70+ degrees and today was 80. So maybe, maybe not. Plus somebody just told me that it's impossible to keep socks on a baby anyhow. I didn't know this, but he'll have some nonetheless. Now, a way to figure out how to keep Minnie from nabbing his little socks and burying them someplace...
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