SOLVED! The saga of the missing mitten is solved! Was doing the last 2 loads of baby clothes tonight and spied, inside the rubber gasket in the door (side-loading washing machine) the missing mitten. I DIDN'T lose it! The washing machine ate it - but at least it didn't digest it. My confidence had been shaken enough that I bought a pair of long-sleeved onesies with BUILT-IN MITTS! Good invention.
Here are pics of the baby's room, even MORE done, still only 95%, but close, which is good because the OB visit today revealed that I am 100% effaced and 1cm dilated. Some people walk around 3 centimeters dilated for weeks, so it doesn't automatically mean anything, but it could mean something.
What does mean more than the dilation alone, is the crampy feelings I've had for the rest of the day. I went to Walmart to exchange these horribly tiny onesies I bought Myles. By the end of the trip, I was so worn out and crampy feeling that I snagged one of those motorized carts and used it to wait in a line behind about 13 people at customer service and for checkout. Very cool. I'm not sure how much driving I'm going to be doing anyhow. It took me 2 tries to swing my leg up into my car today, once my right round ligaments started hurting.
I scheduled my next and probably last OB appt (this time around) earlier next week so that Mark can drive me. The doctor wants to induce me a little next week if I'm not already there yet with a "kiss of pitocin" as she put it. Not to send me directly into labor, but to help it along. From the way I feel today, I don't know if I'll need any help.
Sunday, I went to the movies with my friend Darcy to see Madea Goes to Jail. Cute and stupid - very enjoyable and lightweight. The steps were killing me though on the way out. Then Monday, Mark and I went out on a date that we jokingly refer to as The Last Supper (as a childless couple). I haven't been out to a restaurant in at least 4 months and it was the first time that we could. I gorged myself on Japanese Shabu Shabu, which is a sort of meat fondue. Yum.
So the out and about is really probably helping things along. We are less than 2 weeks away, folks! Woohoo!
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