So far, I've registered online at and for Target.
Target: Registry ID: 014399700229465
You can also search for me or Mark's names or by baby's expected b-day March 23, 2009.
The online page for this is:

but you can go into a store and just do a search on the machines and it'll print out a list I think. (I've very bad at girl stuff like this - the process of doing this almost sent me into an existential crises!)
Amazon Registry Link:
Just trying to choose stuff for the registry, all these questions started to plague me: nursery? Are we even going to have a nursery? We're in the middle of looking for a new rental house, but as of yet, the nursery doubles as our bedroom! So then the panic ensues, "what if we DO find a house w/a nursery, can I paint it? Are paint fumes toxic for me? What color(s) should I choose? Should I pick a theme or do it all a la carte? Do babies really like pastels, or is that some nonsense that adults made up? Baby toys are always bright colors? Will I make my kid nuts if the room is painted in loud primary colors? It's a boy? What kind of boy do I want to raise? What do I know about raising a boy? Am I going to indoctrinate him with the stereotypical - pictures of footballs and sports equipment? Will I damage him if the room is too soft looking or nerdy?" UGGGGGGH!
At this point, somehow Mark senses emergency and comes into the room and pries my hands from the mouse. "You don't have to decide everything tonight. Let's just eat dinner now."
I've since calmed a bit. I've settled on a sort of jungle like theme. That way it's not pastel, but not crazy looking, avoids cars, trains and sports equipment and allows for lots of animal stuff to go in the room. I am not, as I had thought, a total failure as a girl. I CAN actually coordinate and decorate when prompted to. It's just not my natural instinct. Without friends or other people's input, I swear I'd just get a crib and a high seat and call it a day. Eventually, I'd see the need for the decorative stuff, but I'm so pragmatic that it doesn't occur to me until I get bored and have enough time to look for something new to do. I mean, I'm the type of girl who actually likes it when her husband buys her an appliance for xmas!
Mark and I have decided that for xmas, instead of getting each other presents, we're probably just going to buy stuff for the baby. We're adults and have had plenty of time to get the stuff we want, so xmas is going to be baby stock-up time.
Catch you later.
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